Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Things 1-4: Violating the Rules Already

I think somewhere in the directions for the 23 Things, I'm reminded not to combine Things...to make a separate post for each one. Perhaps the Kickball Captains will forgive me for combining these first four...

Things 1-3: The creation of this blog and my previous entry completes Things 1-3. So far, so good! No complaints, except I can't seem to make my av any bigger. I want it as big as possible so I can admire it (since I don't really look like that!). What other avatar tools are out there--besides using a REAL photo (Eeek!) of me?

Oh, and it seems that the hardest part of starting a blog is coming up with a clever name for it. I've encountered this before when having to create usernames. As soon as I finally pick something, I see other people's great monikers and think, "D'oh! Why didn't *I* think of that??? Or something just as clever???"

Thing 4: Registering my blog with VWB was easy. The only thought it took was creating a suitable email title and keeping the blog name vs the blog URL straight. *gives self thumbs up*

Now on to Thing 5: Flickr...


flying_pig said...

Hey there! It's your old coteach buddy from the forest here! I thought of you as I set up my blog, and how tremendously successful you were way back then with the Gagglenet (I believe that's the site's name). If anyone can utilize this fabulous training immediately, it's you!!

Jodi Pendarvis said...

Thanks for the comment and the vote of confidence! I'm betting that YOU will be doing some great stuff with it. I'll have to keep my eye on your blog to check out what you're up to! :)