Sunday, August 24, 2008

Table 1: Image Manipulation

Disclaimer: Products herein are for practice and NOT meant as final products.

Image manipulation is probably the area where I have the most practice. I've been putting pictures in PowerPoints and resizing them with Irfan view for a long time now. What I didn't realize until now is that Discovery Education has an image gallery in addition to the video streaming aspect. Duh! I also finally figured out how to determine which are the "okay to use" images in Flickr Creative Commons. When I did 23 Things, I was still a little confused about all the different rights attributes and which photos were okay and exactly how to credit them. Now I know that as long as it's "noncommercial" and lets me choose a size and actually download, it's okay. (I was right clicking as doing "save as" before, and so I'll admit, I think I used some photos I shouldn't have. Eek!)

The image generators were a bit frustrating. It seemed as though when I'd click on a type, it would send me to another page where I'd just have to choose all over again. Some of the links didn't make it past the district firewall. I finally found a magazine cover that I thought would be funny with the picture I chose (the Constitution), but I either I failed to save it, or I didn't pay attention to WHERE I saving it because it's not in the folder it should be in. (It was Wrestling Magazine. Get it? We wrestle over the meaning of the Constitution all the time...) So here is another one I did with it on the cover of Time Magazine. B-O-R-I-N-G.

It IS worth noting that when I uploaded the image here, Blogger automatically placed it at the top of the page. I had to highlight it, cut it (using ctrl-x) and paste it where I wanted it (using ctrl-v).


I found my other magazine cover! I'd made a folder for it all on its own. The lesson here folks is to PAY ATTENTION when you save. Another example? When I saved my PhotoStory I have in my PhotoStory post, the wonderful Sherri M. was walking past our table. Someone said, "Hi, Sherri!" just as I was typing the name of my file for saving...and what did I call it without even realizing it??? Sherri.wp3! That is NOT what I intended to call it. Go ahead, laugh. I did. :-)

Anyway, here is the Wrestling mag cover:

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