Monday, June 23, 2008

Not a Thing, but Pertinent...

There is an interesting conversation going on over at John Green's Weblog about whether Google (and by implicaton, the Internet) is changing the way we think. (John Green is the author of the 2006 Michael L. Printz Award winner, Looking for Alaska.)

He's asked folk to read an article in which the author proposes that our thinking skills are going downhill. Considering what we're doing here with the 23 Things, I highly recommend going over there to check out the article and the comments...and to add your two cents' worth, if you wish!

I'll update this with MY opinion a bit later!

1 comment:

AWM said...

I did go to the article and read it. I agree with the author and I thank you for the link. I notice every year that my high school students are less and less able to pay attention, read well and just think. This is true of all levels.
I am looking for a little video I saw this summer about digital learners in analog schools. If I find it, and get permisisons, I'll post it. It really made me think.
BTW I tried to post to the article, but the email was blocked. HMMMMMMM